CM Task Sequence
You can use PowerShell to create a CM Task Sequence to create a Custom Task Sequence. This is one that I used personally (you will need to adjust this to your environment). If you run into any issues with this script, just create your Task Sequence manually
This took about a minute to complete in my environment
This is what the new Task Sequence looks like in ConfigMgr. This is a very simple and clean Driver Task Sequence
DellMultiPack Conditions
The purpose for creating Groups is to allow you to add and remove Steps in the Group, without having to set Conditions on each of the individual steps
IntelPack and NvidiaPack Test do not need any Task Sequence Conditions as they should run in all OS Deployments
DellMultiPack Groups
Since my Dell MultiPacks are separated by Generation, to prevent all of them from applying, I'll need to set a WMI Query for Computer Model on each of the DellMultiPack Groups. To easily configure this, look in the corresponding DellMultiPack directory for a text file called WmiQuery.txt. Use the contents of this file to create your WMI Query
If you later add a Model to the Dell MultiPack, remember to review the WmiQuery.txt file to update your Task Sequence Group Condition
IntelPack and NvidiaPack Test
Don't set any Conditions on either of these Groups
by setting a Task Sequence Variable
If you are deploying NvidiaPacks in separate Groups, you
If you are deploying the NvidiaPack Test, then you can use these Conditions in your Task Sequence. The purpose of the NvidiaPack Test is to set Task Sequence Variables. You can see how this works in one of the NvidiaPack Test logs. This particular system matched the HardwareID with 7 different Drivers, but the Task Sequence Variable NvidiaPack was only set to the last (newest) one
NvidiaPack Conditions
If you have run your NvidiaPack Test first, you can set Conditions on the Groups. The purpose of the NvidiaPack Test is find the matching Nvidia Driver Package and set Task Sequence Variables
For each Group, set a Condition for Task Sequence Variable NvidiaPack with the ReleaseId as the value
Add Packages
Once all the conditions have been added to the Task Sequence Groups, I can add a Run PowerShell Script using the OSDDriver Packages. Make sure the Execution Policy is set to Bypass
When finished, the Task Sequence should look similar to the one below
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