Intel Video - Part 1

The Problem

How can I easily deploy the latest Intel Video Drivers during OS Deployment?

Ok, so this may not be a huge problem, but Driver Packs are notorious for not having the latest drivers. One easy one that can be downloaded and deployed separately are Intel Video Drivers.

Intel Downloads

Follow this link to Intel's Driver Downloads

You will find that there are exactly 3 Video Drivers that you can download for Windows 10. Remember this as this will come up later in a test ...

Download Intel Display Drivers

The Intel Video can be downloaded by OSDDrivers using the following command

Get-DownOSDDriver -WorkspacePath D:\OSDDrivers -OSDGroup IntelDisplay -OSVersion 10.0 -OSArch x64

As you can see, this function will check Intel's website for the latest Drivers and download them

If I want to skip the GridView selection, I can just use the SkipGridView parameter

Get-DownOSDDriver -WorkspacePath D:\OSDDrivers -OSDGroup IntelDisplay -OSVersion 10.0 -OSArch x64 -SkipGridView

Which will download all the Windows 10 Drivers I need automatically

Compress Intel Display Drivers

OSDDrivers includes the ability to convert these expanded Zip files to Highly compressed CAB files by adding the Pack parameter

Get-DownOSDDriver -WorkspacePath D:\OSDDrivers -OSDGroup IntelDisplay -OSVersion 10.0 -OSArch x64 -SkipGridView -Pack

Size Comparison

Here is a quick comparison of the different sizes of the 3 Intel Video Drivers for Windows 10 x64

Intel Video Drivers (3)



681 MB


1.85 GB

CAB (High Compression)

551 MB


Use OSDDrivers Module to download and compress the Intel Video Drivers, and use the Deploy-OSDDrivers script to expand the matching Driver for the hardware on your system. This will ensure the latest Intel Video Drivers are present for OS Deployment

Last updated